Friday, July 31

July 26th

We went to a gringo cultural event in downtown La Paz in the evening. An aspiring author read from her third unpublished book and did astrological reading for all of the signs of zodiac. The readings proved to be a great conversation starter at the restaurant after the reading, but soon moved to other topics. We were able to talk to Al and Maria more and we will get together with them when they visit Oregon in August or September. Maria's daughter and son-in-law (Dayna & Peter) live near Phil and Linda and go to their church. It is a small world.

Sharon and Bill wanted the wall around the bar-b-cue to be painted a different color to match the new tiles they had just installed. We wanted to do something to show our appreciation to them for inviting us to stay in their home. They gave us the green light to change the paint color while they were on vacation.
Top - The original wall.
Middle - Bud smoothed the wall and painted the base coat.
Bottom - Donneley paints the sunflowers.

Saturday, July 25

July 25th

We went to visit some shops today with Donneley. There were treasures everywhere, but none we wanted to bring home. Nancy and I are inside this afternoon with the air conditioning keeping us a pleasant 82 degrees.

Nancy and I went to the Buffalo BBQ this evening for lovely dinner. We were serenaded with a beautiful love song by a guitar band with singers that travels to different restaurants during the evening. We arrived for dinner just at sunset and there was lots of room, within 45 minutes all of the tables were full. The cool of the evening is when La Paz starts to come alive.
Most of the restaurants cook over open flames and coals.

Here are some interesting signs.
The first one is on a port facility dock.

The second one is my kind of shopping place. Nancy went to look for clothes and I went to the nearest factory store with free samples. The samples were smoooooth.

July 24th

We had heard about the beautiful new golf course that recently opened on the Mogote peninsula (Misiones de la Paz). The site includes a complex of condos, tennis courts, and white sand beaches. Driving to the area is long and frustrating, so we took the electric boat shuttle that leaves from a dock at the end of the Malecon. From the beautiful waiting area we rode a golf cart to the course. We were able to rent clubs to use at the driving range, chipping area, and putting green. The highlight was a delicious lunch in the shade of a palapa at the restaurant.

Paraiso del Mar is located across the bay from where we are staying in La Paz.
Notice the road runner in the shade of the bench.
This morning we went to the local weaving factory. There you can watch the craftsmen spin the cotton or wool into thread, and weave a rug or blanket on the huge looms. The factory is built of cinder blocks and concrete, and has a metal roof. With no air conditioning, it is a true "sweat shop."
We ended the evening with a delicous meal with Donneley in her lovely home. We also met Al, Maria, Larry and Bonnie.

Friday, July 24

July 23rd

Wednesday, July 22

July 22th Todos Santos

Mission in Todos Santos. Note the coke machine in front of the church and the old GMC with the front tires. This is a land of contrasts

The inside of the mission was simple and very beautiful.
Hotel California from the Eagles song.

.We received a recommendation from a lady we met in a store and had some great chili renos and Miguel's


Next we went to Los Cerritos , just north of Pescadero. We missed the turn the first time and ended up on this long dusty road (most roads down here are dusty) and ended up in this big parking lot with about 40 other cars. We stayed for a refreshing drink and headed back to La Paz.

July 21st

Dinner at the La Costa and a sunset walk on the Malecon. I am always trying new menu items. The medium red snapper is deep fried and very tasty.

July 20th Fishing

Launching the boat ~~ Bumper up to stern and push the boat until you get close to the water and you push it by hand the rest of the way. Landing the boat ~~ head to the beach fast and trim the motor up just before you get to the sand. An interesting ride.


Yellow tail tuna. We caught several of these guys. The captain served us fresh tuna with hot sauce for a nice breakfast treat.
The needle fish is the long skinny one. The fishermen call it the ugly fish. Yes, the picture is sideways.

The last fish is a yellow fin tuna. One of many fish I caught today. We fished for Dorado, but no luck this trip. We had a marlin feeding close to the boat, but it missed our bait.

Sunday, July 19

July 19th

Stephen, Marta, Daniella and Sharon came over for a swim today. Marta prepared some mole (mol-lay) chicken for lunch and it was delicious. We took a dip in the pool to stay cool on this very HOT day. We finished off the pictures on the underwater cameras we used earlier this week. I will add those when I get the film developed.

July 18th

Sunset on the Malacom. The place where hundreds of people come to cool down after the HOT day. People come with their families, friends, lovers and whomever to enjoy the light breeze, to be seen and to see who is there. Nancy and I had a long walk with a stop to get some homemade ice cream.

July 17th

Thursday, July 16

July 15th ~ Isla Espirito Santo

Isla Espiritu Santo This island is part of a national park. Our tour guides, Captain Mike and Juan, with La Paz in the back ground. They told everyone that all we can take from the islands are memories and pictures.

The island is geoglogically diverse in different types of volcanic rock that make up the numerous different layers. The boat moved into these large caves. The basketball sized stones overhead did not appear very stable and I was happy to return to open water.

These two little islands are at the north end of Espiritu Santo. The group snorkled around the smaller of the two islands. Lots of fish and a couple of sea lions joined us.

Nancy, just before we got wet. The underwater camera film is not ready yet.


The water clarity was exceptional. The little lines in the top of the picture are bait fish in about two feet of water while I was standing on the shore.

This is the beach where we stopped to have our lunch. Nancy and I swam over to the far rocks and snorkled for an hour while everyone swam and napped in the shade.


Some fishermen and their families live on this island for some time during the year. This little "village" is located on a gravel bar between the two islands.
The amenities are few, but several of the houses had solar panels.


Coming into La Paz.

Tuesday, July 14

July 14

Nancy and I did some shopping and relaxed at home today. We also arranged a new adventure for tomorrow with help from our friends Ken and Pat. We plan to be gone most of the day on a boat trip.
Nancy made some great meatballs using a recipe from Marta - they were yummy.
I peeled fresh oranges (10 kilos) and Nancy processed them with the juicer. Double yum.

July 13th Road Trip

We have been exploring other places near La Paz. Today we ventured SSE of La Paz to Punta Arenas. The two-lane road was passable, but pothole patching appeared to be the repair of choice.

When the road ends, you arrive at these beautiful beaches. This is Ensenada de Muertos, one of the beaches at Punta Arenas. It was deserted, and we strolled on the shore collecting sea shells and watching a squall over Isla Cerralvo.

Next we went to La Ventana to have a look around. We found some homes that have beautiful views and are priced way above my pay grade. The desert runs right up to the high tide line.

As we were coming back through La Ventana we found these lines filled with salted fish air- drying at the top of a beach pull-out for the pangas (fishing boats).
The picture to the right shows part the road back to La Paz. Items to note - The building on the left is a tiny 7-11 out in the middle of nowhere. The two signs remind drivers that there are many low areas where the water washes over the road during rain storms. This long, straight road finally turns right about 5 miles from here.
This is another view of the countryside. The contrasts are many. As soon as we left town, we entered the southern Senora Desert area. You see lots of cactus and other vegetation that have adapted to this harsh environment. Just beyond is the Sea of Cortez and Isla Cerralvo.

This a palm tree nursery for a big development that is being built.

When we reached the valley, we saw lots of farmland. This is a field of maize.

Road hazards - This is open range country. Cattle are everywhere. These had just wandered across the road.

Here are some cattle wandering down the main highway on the outskirts of La Paz. The cattle should have been reported to the SPCA, because they are just skin and bones. Like the plants and the people of this region, they come from hardy stock.

Monday, July 13

July 12 Meeting new friends

We stayed around the house today and finished our books. Our new friend, Donneley, has been very helpful showing us new places to visit, providing us with directions, explaining the cultural nuances of living in Mexico, and introducing us to some very nice people.
This evening Donneley introduced us to a wonderful restaurant, 3 Virgenes (3 Virgins, named after 3 mountains in Baja). She invited Ken and Pat to join us. We had a wonderful time and an absolutely delicious meal comparable to any five star restaurant at home - for a fraction of the price. We sat on a shaded, secluded patio and watched our dinner being cooked on a grill over a mesquite fire. We ate rolls freshly baked in the outdoor brick oven.
Ken and Pat own a local Bed and Breakfast called Casa Tuscany. You can see them and more pictures of the B&B on this page
Ken is a talented artist and has paintings displayed at the 3 Virgenes. Taks a look --
We returned for a night time dip in the pool, looking at the stars and enjoying a quiet reflection of the day.

Saturday, July 11

Comments added to the Blog

David suggested that I add the comments feature to the blog. You will find it at the bottom of each post and, surprise, click on comments and add your message.

Blathering on about the daily routine. We get up around :0700 and feed the birds. Sunrise and sunset are at :0641 and :2013. :0800 is the VHF radio chatter on who needs what, weather, value of the peso, and items to trade. Trade is the big word. Only Mexican citizens can sell anything. I have to see if it is legal for non-citizens to sell items over the radio or sell anything at all. After the radio chatter it is time for breakfast. The schedule for the rest of the day is up for grabs. We usually work on the blog in the evening or the next day or the day after.
Hope you all are doing well. Doug and Sue - thinking of you. Bob and the girls - keep in touch. Oregon friends - I think when we get home I will have to wear a sweater when it gets down to 70. Family and friends around the country - we enjoy your e-mails. Thanks for being a part of our life.
La Paz weather I am trying links for those inquisitive individuals.

One more restaurant with good food.

Baby with one of her friends. Bill says the dove will go in the cage to get some seeds and Baby will pull the door closed. Baby also mimics my bad whistling. It took several days to figure out that it was Baby and not the answering machine making that beeping sound. She also makes a sparrow call when I let her out of her cage in the morning. The sparrows arrive shortly, waiting for breakfast. Baby and I whistle at each other throughout the day. I am working on the Star Spangled Banner, except for the last part. Can't get my lips to relax. Maybe a few more libations while Nancy and I are in the pool.
It is hard to believe we have only been here 10 days. LIFE IS GOOD.

Friday, July 10

July 10th

Today we went on a restaurant treasure hunt. We had a map, some vague directions, and a sense of adventure. After several wrong turns, we stopped a young mother and asked (in our best Spanish) where the restaurant was. She answered, in excellent English, "What do you want to eat?"

She suggested that we go to a restaurant on the Malecon called the Bismark-cito. We knew it was a great place because we were the only gringos there!

Here I am with the most delicious grilled shrimp (prawn-size)! Bud had a large seafood cocktail featuring clams, octopus, shrimp, scallops, and white fish. We headed home after two Pacifcos and with full tummies. Yummm.

Bud took the third picture from our table, so you can see how close to the bay we were..
Weather -- cooling off, only 105 today!