Friday, July 31

July 26th

We went to a gringo cultural event in downtown La Paz in the evening. An aspiring author read from her third unpublished book and did astrological reading for all of the signs of zodiac. The readings proved to be a great conversation starter at the restaurant after the reading, but soon moved to other topics. We were able to talk to Al and Maria more and we will get together with them when they visit Oregon in August or September. Maria's daughter and son-in-law (Dayna & Peter) live near Phil and Linda and go to their church. It is a small world.

Sharon and Bill wanted the wall around the bar-b-cue to be painted a different color to match the new tiles they had just installed. We wanted to do something to show our appreciation to them for inviting us to stay in their home. They gave us the green light to change the paint color while they were on vacation.
Top - The original wall.
Middle - Bud smoothed the wall and painted the base coat.
Bottom - Donneley paints the sunflowers.

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