Saturday, July 11

Comments added to the Blog

David suggested that I add the comments feature to the blog. You will find it at the bottom of each post and, surprise, click on comments and add your message.

Blathering on about the daily routine. We get up around :0700 and feed the birds. Sunrise and sunset are at :0641 and :2013. :0800 is the VHF radio chatter on who needs what, weather, value of the peso, and items to trade. Trade is the big word. Only Mexican citizens can sell anything. I have to see if it is legal for non-citizens to sell items over the radio or sell anything at all. After the radio chatter it is time for breakfast. The schedule for the rest of the day is up for grabs. We usually work on the blog in the evening or the next day or the day after.
Hope you all are doing well. Doug and Sue - thinking of you. Bob and the girls - keep in touch. Oregon friends - I think when we get home I will have to wear a sweater when it gets down to 70. Family and friends around the country - we enjoy your e-mails. Thanks for being a part of our life.
La Paz weather I am trying links for those inquisitive individuals.

One more restaurant with good food.

Baby with one of her friends. Bill says the dove will go in the cage to get some seeds and Baby will pull the door closed. Baby also mimics my bad whistling. It took several days to figure out that it was Baby and not the answering machine making that beeping sound. She also makes a sparrow call when I let her out of her cage in the morning. The sparrows arrive shortly, waiting for breakfast. Baby and I whistle at each other throughout the day. I am working on the Star Spangled Banner, except for the last part. Can't get my lips to relax. Maybe a few more libations while Nancy and I are in the pool.
It is hard to believe we have only been here 10 days. LIFE IS GOOD.

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