Saturday, July 25

July 25th

We went to visit some shops today with Donneley. There were treasures everywhere, but none we wanted to bring home. Nancy and I are inside this afternoon with the air conditioning keeping us a pleasant 82 degrees.

Nancy and I went to the Buffalo BBQ this evening for lovely dinner. We were serenaded with a beautiful love song by a guitar band with singers that travels to different restaurants during the evening. We arrived for dinner just at sunset and there was lots of room, within 45 minutes all of the tables were full. The cool of the evening is when La Paz starts to come alive.
Most of the restaurants cook over open flames and coals.

Here are some interesting signs.
The first one is on a port facility dock.

The second one is my kind of shopping place. Nancy went to look for clothes and I went to the nearest factory store with free samples. The samples were smoooooth.

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