Sunday, May 27

May 27 Edinburgh

The flight to Amsterdam was long, with lots of seat time.  We got two side seats by ourselves and that was better than being in the four middle seats.   We flew so far north (over Hudson's Bay, southern Greenland and Iceland) and so high (35,000 feet) that the sun never set.  Everyone shut their window screens so we could nap.

Arrived in Amsterdam 11:20 PM, Saturday - our time.  Local time is 8:20 AM, Sunday.   Yes, a long day.  Waiting for the Edinburgh flight.   This flight will be quick.  Of course, we'll sleep most of the way.

We spent our first hour in the UK entertaining ourselves at customs, waiting for bags, determining the right bus, getting off at the right stop, wandering toward our hotel with one moment of indecision.  We solved our direction problem by asking a very dignified gentleman with a cane, coat and vest the name of a street.  He corrected me, ever so gently, as he said the street name with a lyrical Scottish brogue.  We made it to the first hotel on our tour and it is great!  After a bit of freshening up, it looks like lunch at a nearby pub.  We need a beer and a short nap before we meet our tour partners. Right now, excluding some cat naps, we have been up about 20 hours.

 Bedroom The Bonham in Edinburgh.

Edinburgh Castle
Howies.  Place for the first group dinner together.