Friday, October 4

Friday Oct. 4 Heading to Bailey Island and Freeport

After leaving the lodge, we headed to the coast of Maine.
More back roads and colorful leaves.  As we dropped out of the White Mountains into the lower altitudes towards the coast, more leaves were on the trees and the colors turned back to the deep oranges and reds.  The shore pines started to become more abundant as we drove closer to the ocean.  I was still able to make a few good images. I will know more when I can work on the photos at home.

This is our dinner place.

The Lobster House is just behind the red building.  On the other side of the spit of land were hundreds of lobster traps in the channel.

The absolute highlight of the day was our trip to Bailey Island.  Our friends, Bruce and Sharon, suggested that we go to Cook's Lobster House. I had 3 1/2 lb. lobster for about half of what I would have paid for a 2 pounder in Boston.
Check Maine lobster off our bucket list.  I guess that would be my wheelbarrow list for this fellow.
The coast is so convoluted that this picture seems to be the norm in many spots.
You can also find long coarse sand beaches.

 Bare rocks run down to the water - inhospitable to much vegetation.

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