Monday, September 23

Monday, Sept 23 - Following the Freedon Trail

We started the day with a brief walk to the food court at Quincy Market.  There are 60+ vendors lining both sides of a relatively narrow building.  You start at Starbucks, walk past choices of ethnic cuisine from A to Z, and finish with an ice cream counter.

Our friends, Bruce and Sharon, from Portland, OR have joined us till Thursday.  After a quick planning session and lunch at Ned Devine's Irish Pub, we started the day's trek following the Freedom Trail.  The trail is a red line or red bricks on Boston sidewalks and streets that guide you to key revolutionary and colonial-era sites. 

 Today we visited Faneuil Hall, the Boston Massacre site, Old State House, site of the first public school in America, King's Chapel and Burying Ground, Park Street Church, Old City Hall and the statue of Benjamin Franklin, Boston Common and the Public Garden, Cheers bar, Granary Burying Ground, Holocaust Memorial, and the "new" State House.

 Dinner was at the Union Oyster House, which claims to be the oldest continually running restaurant in the country. Such fun, and great seafood!

Captions to come tomorrow. It is night night time.
The Old State House - Just a few yard to the left is were the Boston Massacre happened

Our hotel - blue lights in windows

The original GW

The girls looking for Norm

A nice story "Make Way for Ducklings" was written about an island in the Frog Pond in Boston Commons.

Massachusetts State House from Boston Commons

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Old grave yard in Boston

Holocaust Memorial -  each concentration camp is represented by a column of glass panels
Concentration Camp numbers of each victim on all of the glass panels in the above picture

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