Tuesday, May 25

May 22 Returning Home

Matt and I woke up early and headed to the Pizza Place about 7:00 am. The owner invited us to come in before he usually opens, so we could have some breakfast before we head home. (Most of the places open at 8 or 9). Matt F. served us up a great breakfast and a fantastic cup of coffee.

Matt L. headed for Klamath Falls and I eased my way back to Portland over Mt. Hood.

I took this picture near the summit of Highway 26, near Government Camp.
Enough said for Oregon weather.

May 21 Fly Fishing on the Deschutes

Matt and I met in Maupin, Oregon Friday evening. Saturday we were in a class for fly fishing instruction and some fishing from 8:00 am to 7 pm. Tough duty. The class was taught by Deschutes Angler fly shop. Thanks Andrew, for all of your help on our casting and reading the water. It was great to only have 3 in the class.

We sampled food from most of the 5 restaurants in town. Great burger at Stone Bridge Pub and a terrific meatball sub at the local pizza place.

Friday, after 30 years, I made connections with an Army buddy that had moved to Maupin. We had a great visit and it was nice to reconnect. See you soon Howard and Kathy

Thanks Lee for the photo.

Monday, May 10

Mother's Day

David, Sherry, Rocky and Stella joined us for dinner.  Matt checked in via phone.

May 8 Cleaning up around the house

The treat of the day was sitting down with a pot of coffee, the paper and no place we needed to go. The bags unpacked, clothes washed and working in the garden. I was surprised that anything was still alive after in snowed last week. I love the seasons in Oregon, jumbled.

May 6 O-dark-thirty and home

The wake-up call came at 03:45, yes that is AM, for our 06:05. We gathered the luggage and headed for the motel shuttle. We arrived at 04:30 and Southwest didn't even open the baggage check in until 05:00, so much for hurrying to the airport for that two hour check in.

STL to DEN, then DEN to PDX and home. Nice to be sleeping in our own bed. Granted, time was a little confused after being three time zones during the trip.

May 5 Stops to St. Louis

We made a short stop to say goodbye and to thank Claude and Mildred for their hospitality. They are gems in God's crown.

On the way to the motel in St. Louis, we stopped to see Donnie Marie, Allison, Lanie and Campbell in Wentzville.
Wilma and Shirley were kind enough to entertain us with a fine dinner at Wilma's house in St Charles.

May 4 Finding Grandma

Earlier in the week I found out that grandmother Neary was not buried in Holy Name next to grandfather and her sister as it was penciled in the church records. After the initial shock, I made a few calls and found her buried with her second husband in Mt. Olivet. Hence a trip to find grandma. In the process, I also found the headstones for my grandfather Varney's two brothers. A very successful day tracking down relatives.

Nancy and I dined at Lula Belle's in Hannibal. I was informed by a very reliable source that this was one houses for sporting women. We had another great meal with lots of interesting decor.

We stopped by cousin Anita and Dick's for a visit and joined Claude and Mildred for dinner and time for a casual visit. I just love to hear Claude's flying stories.

May 3 Myth Busters

Nancy and I journeyed over to Quincy, Illinois to find out some information about my great grandfather and his brother. We checked the records and no sign of Theodore and John, bummer.....

We did have a good lunch at The Olive.

Nancy and I returned to Hannibal for dinner and a long visit with Steve, Kathy, Claude and Mildred at TJ's.

May 2

Phil, Linda, Carol, Nancy and I returned to Doug and Sue's for lunch. We joined Sue's son, two grandsons, plus Claude and Mildred, who drove down from Hannibal. After a delightful visit and pictures, the traveling Lanes were on the road to meet more cousins in St. Peter, MO.

We joined Wilma, Shirley, Donnie and Campbell for dinner at Olive Garden. Nancy and I dropped off Phil, Linda and Carol at the motel, so they could catch their flights home the next morning. Nancy and I headed back to Hannibal. The trip.

May Day ~~ Hannibal to Fulton

We toured the former town of Ilasco, Mark Twain Caves gift shop and Lover's Leap (group picture).

We had a nice lunch at Drake's before we headed to Fulton, Missouri to see Doug. Sue and Carol lead our two car caravan which was uneventful until.....we arrived at the Holiday Inn Express in Fulton ready to unload our bags and head to Sue and Doug's home, but someone at the Holiday Inn made a major screw-up and we ended up at the Comfort Inn about 8 miles away. We were not happy, but we ended up with two free nights and our points returned.

The disgruntled group, perked up with dinner at Sir Winston's. It was nice to visit with Doug and Sue.

April 30 Hannibal Tour and dinner

Cousin Claude Monroe narrated a tour around Hannibal to show us (Carol, Linda, Phil, Nancy and me) the different places where his mom and dad lived and worked around the town Mark Twain made famous. The trip down "Memory Lanes" was full of informative and funny stories related to each stop. Claude is the consummate story teller, with a keen eye for relevant details and finding the humorous side of events.

The visiting Lanes were treated to a great dinner at Steve and Kathy's home. Their daughter Steffani drove up from Southeast Missouri State University to join us. We were happy that their other two daughters and children, who live in the area, were also able to be there. We had a great time visiting with family and enjoying a fantastic meal together.