Thursday, November 26

November 23

Matt and Katie packed Nana, Papa and Nora into the Pilot and headed to the Oregon Coast Aquarium in Newport. We followed, guided and cajoled Nora to see otters, birds, and other critters from many parts of the animal kingdom.
......................................................... Cow Fish

. . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . Who is looking at who?

November 22

Walks on the beach for some more pictures and a trip to the playground.

Thanksgiving Nov. 21 in Lincoln City

David, Sherry, Matt, Katie, Nora, Nancy and I came together in Lincoln City for our Thanksgiving dinner last Saturday. It was early, but what is a few days to get everyone together.
.Uncle David and Aunt Sherry

Friday, November 6

Nov. 6 Nuts and Web Pages

Nancy and I selling our wares.

This week has been consumed with web pages and nuts. One of the ways Nancy's P.E.O. group raises money for their women's organization is to sell a variety of nuts. They buy the nuts in bulk and repackage them to sell. Most of the nuts are pre-ordered, and the rest go to various bazaars. The P.E.O. group uses the money earned to give grants, loans, and scholarships to women who are furthering their education. I enjoy picking all of the low hanging fruit (puns) with all of the organizing calls to the house "Hello, This is the nut house." or "Would you like to talk to the nut lady?" I found that Nancy was getting to the phone very quickly for some reason. The 700 plus pounds of nuts arrived by FED-EX. I put the pallet on my trailer for the ride to the re-packaging area and unloaded the cases of nuts. These women are very efficient - 6 hours and the nuts are in the one-pound bags and ready for delivery.

I spent the week sequestered in the office re-doing my Fat Elk Greeting Cards web site. I'm not quite finished, but the majority of the work is completed. I finished entering most of the data very early this morning. Now I found a few more things to fix in the light of day. I should have the site 98% ready by Sunday.