Saturday, October 31

All Hollows Eve

We are staying home to welcome all of the little goblins tonight. Here is our Klamath Falls pirate. Cap'n Nora loves the outfit that Katie made for her. Matt took these pictures at a local park.



Here's Nora practicing her barrel riding skills.

Wednesday, October 28

10/28 Lunch with Lee

We meet our friend Lee today for lunch at the Jade Tea House. All three entrees were excellent and the mudslide chocolate cookie was devilishly good.

10/27 Ragtime the play

Nancy and I went to see a very good play called Ragtime at Portland Center Stage. The play centered around the treatment of immigrants, blacks and workers in the early 1900's. We were very impressed by the strong storyline and the musical ability of the cast members.

Monday, October 26

10/26 CVHS 64 PDX reunion

During our 45th high school reunion I found out that some of my classmates live the Portland area. Tonight we bored our spouses about the good old days and caught up on the 45 years since we graduated (they were great sports). It only took about three hours and it was fascinating how each couple came to be in the Portland area.
L to R >> Jim B, Janie & Steve, Nancy & Bud, Darleen B
Jim, Janie and I are the grads from CVHS 1964.

Friday, October 23

10/23 Home for a while

The rain has arrived, the leaves falling, and the time for inside work has arrived.

This is a picture I took on the way home last Tuesday. I talked Nancy into taking a 19 mile snake trail up to Lost Lake on the north side of Mt. Hood. I saw two cars in the parking lot and this guy trolling all by his lonesome on a seemingly deserted lake.

10/19 Nancy's 60th Birthday

Nancy wanted to be out of town for her birthday. Mainly, because a planned and successfully executed a surprise party with about 60 people on her 50th. I just don't think she trusted me to leave things alone. She wanted to spend a few days at Skamania Lodge in Washington. We relaxed by the big fireplace in the evenings, went out for dinner in Hood River and the lodge. We also toured up the Columbia gorge to see the sites. The weather was great, we had great meals and came home very relaxed.



Stonehenge WWI Memorial

10/16 Family Birthday Dinner

We started Nancy's celebration of her 6oth birthday with a dinner with David, Sherry, Matt, Katie, Nora and me.
Everyone rallied at the Renada house for porterhouse with cake and ice cream.
Nora entertained.

9/30 - 10/7 Hunting Camp

We packed our camping equipment and guns for a week in the great outdoors. We had delicious meals and did most of our shooting of the bull around a camp fire. We saw lots of does and a few bucks, but the bucks seemed to evaporate about 12 hours before the season opened. We didn't even mind the low temperatures in the high teens once you got stalking around the woods. The daytime temps were a balmy 55. The evenings were clear with stars muted only by the full moon. The chorus of coyotes in the next valley, owls hooting a few hundred yards down our valley were the sounds we listened to around the camp fire. We never had any trouble finding our way back to the tent with everyone taking turns sawing logs throughout the night.
. ................................................Scott Scott, Doug, Tim, Tim, Roger, Genaro, Bud

9/25 & 26 David's BD & Church Wine Tour

David celebrated his 33rd birthday at the Scappoose house. We had a great time visiting with David and Sherry's friends and Sharon (La Paz) was also there too. It is always nice to have time with David and Sherry.

Our church sponsors a wine tour in the fall and raises money for different our out reach programs. This year we went to Hood River, OR . The vineyards are scattered between the apple, pear and cherry orchards. It was beautiful scenery that took our minds off of the school bus we were touring in for the day. We tasted several wines, bought a few bottles and I had fun taking pictures. A great time by all.

Lane visit and CVHS reunion

I had a great visit with Bob, Christina, Michelle, Lisa, Mary Lou and T.J. We all were able to watch Michelle compete in a cross country race. I would share the pictures, but I only shot video and I don't know how to post that yet. Bob, send me a good picture.
Several high school friends joined Bob and I at the CV house and reflected on old times. Bob knows many of my friends younger brothers. I also picked up my long time friend Rick for the reunion and we visited several friends we both knew from our time in CV. I was also able to see our old neighbors Bill and Doris. On the way to the airport I stopped by cousins Bill and Vira's for a nice lunch before boarding the plane home.

9/18/09 Chula Vista High School 1964 Reunion

I joined classmates for some great times catching up on our lives over the last 45 years. I enjoyed the great conversations and how our lives have paralleled each other in many ways.
Bill and Tom were team mates on the football team. Bill went onto play for the University of Arizona, I played for N. Arizona and Tom joined the Navy and went to N. Arizona in the early 70's.
I also found two classmates that live less than 30 minutes from me. Jim, Janie and I, plus our spouses will be dinning on Monday.

September 4

Matt, Kattie and Nora joined us for a weekend in Lincoln City. We went for a little boat ride on Devils Lake between rain showers.

August Overview

The month was busy with meetings and lots of little jobs around the house. We went to the Oysterville Jazz Festivial . The trip included a fishing trip in the rolling Pacific and I caught 5 nice coho salmon for the boat. We only get to keep two.
Bruce holding some fresh filets

We made a short trip to Klamath Falls to visit Matt, Katie, and Nora.

Nancy and Pam had a booth at the Oregon City Open Air Antique Fair at the end of the month.