Wednesday, August 26

July 28 Back home

We arrived home from La Paz and rested up for a couple of days from our wonderful vacation. The garden was going great and our friends enjoyed harvesting our genuine organic vegetables.

We have been busy with the mundane activities of paying bills, weeding, collecting the mail and all those many things you must do to get back up to speed around the house.


Nancy's educational organization P.E.O. had a garage sale on the 7th and 8th at our house. It is amazing how much money you can make at 25 cents to a $1 an item!


We went to early church on the 9th and then eased our way over to Lincoln City for some relaxation. We celebrated our anniversary with a seafood dinner at a restaurant in Depot Bay. Our table overlooked the ocean, where we could watch the fishing boats racing a fog bank back to port and see a whale feeding about a 1/4 mile off shore.


Some days are full of little joys.